Innovation in Collaboration | EP. 026

Episode Notes: The intersection between the enterprise and start-up worlds can seem vast. Matt Kammerait, the Director of Digital and Emerging Technology at AAR sits down with Josh this week to discuss innovation in collaboration. Matt has spent his career split between the riskier, more agile start-up environment and the slower moving enterprise world. In […]
Innovation Through Entrepreneurship | EP. 025

Finding the perfect work-life balance can be hard and throwing in a side hustle in the mix can make it even more challenging. Melissa Byrn is on AAI today teaching us about innovation through entrepreneurship. Melissa is the founder of FORESEEaBILL and the Director of Innovation Programs at the Polsky Center. Not an entrepreneur by […]
Innovation through Transparency in Healthcare | EP. 024

Alex Rozenbaum joins us this week. He is the Director of Product Management at the American Hospital Association. Josh sits down with Alex and talks about all things healthcare. They dive into why the medical field needs to be more transparent. Alex and Josh discuss the use of data and how it will affect patient […]
Innovation Starts With Empathy | EP. 023

This week we talk about all things e-commerce, innovation and empathy with Jyll Rademacher. Jyll is the Head of E-Commerce and Marketing at NorthShore Care Supply. Josh talks to Jyll about how to use marketing when your product has a stigma surrounding it, why technology and innovation should only be used when necessary and why […]
Innovation Through Relationships | EP. 022

Saim Salahuddin is here this week. He is the VP of Development at Level Construction. Josh and Saim sit down and discuss what innovation means in the construction industry. Saim talks about efficiency, transparency and safety and how they spark innovation in his industry. They chat about all the new technology that is allowing them […]
Innovation as a Discipline | EP. 021

Nicolette de Guia joins us on Ask an Innovator this week. She is the Managing Director at N7 Momentum and she is an expert on all things innovation and digital transformation. Nicolette teaches us why innovation is a discipline, why marketing should be involved from the very beginning and why we should start talking about […]
Innovation Through Acceptable Failure | EP. 020

We dive into all things construction with Dan Smolilo this week. He is the Director of Process and Innovation at the Walsh Group. Here we go! We talk with Dan about the balance between analog and digital innovations in the construction industry. We dig into what projects need technology and which are better suited for […]
Innovation is Creativity | Ep. 019

Ben Brenton, the Chief Innovation Officer at Snap-On Tools sits down with us this week and we discuss what innovation means to him. We learn that innovation is creativity put to practice and that creativity outside of innovation becomes art. Ben tells us that innovation is a journey and we discuss Snap-On Tool’s Open Innovation […]
Why Innovation Must Provide Value | Ep. 018

Just in time for the end of August – we have one more episode for you this month. Dominique Betancourt joins us today! At the time of the interview, she was the Open Innovation Manager at Carlson Wagonlit Travel. She is now the Senior Innovation Program Manager at Equity Lifestyle Properties. This week, we learn […]
Innovation through Incremental Change | Ep. 017

Let’s have a big AAI welcome for Max Juster this week. Max is a Brand Director at Anheuser-Busch. Let’s get into it. We sit down with Max and talk about all things beer. We learn how making small changes to packaging is innovative but also changes brand perception for the consumer. Learn how market research […]