Master Class Series – Intrapreneurs and Corporations

How to Build a Product that Achieves Exponential Growth

Learn how to build new ventures and create sustainable product lines that achieve exponential growth in 2024 using the secrets of the Market Validation Funnel™.

We’re offering our six-part class absolutely free! Fill out the form below to get immediate access to the course learning center and start exploring at your own pace.

9 out of 10 ventures fail. Sign up for our online Master Class series to learn how to beat the odds.

2024 will be a vital year for corporations and intrapreneurs to succeed. But when it comes to launching a successful new venture, it’s hard to know where to start. What if you end up spending your precious resources, time, and money on creating a product that doesn’t achieve exponential growth?

You need a systematized way to validate your innovative ideas and bring your product to life to ensure success in 2024.

Learn how to build a product that achieves exponential growth using our Silicon Valley secret playbook on the Market Validation Funnel during this six-part Master Class series.

These six sessions include online instruction and resources that allow busy executives, corporate innovation departments, and companies to go at your own pace — providing you with the steps you need to validate your product idea, ensure product market fit, and develop growth.

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to exponentially grow your venture in 2024.

Who are these 
Master Classes for?

Learning objectives

Learn a systematic and repeatable approach when it comes to creating successful ventures.

Learn how develop a product or service that will generate revenue for your business.

Learn how to de-risk your investment and ensure your venture has product-market-fit before building it.


Join us for the following 6 Master Classes to learn Silicon Valley’s secrets to growing your startup. When you sign up, you’ll gain access to our Master Class learning center with the following lessons.


Introduction to the Market Validation Funnel

In this lesson, you'll learn the purpose and process of the Market Validation Funnel, it's three stages, and the significance of the funnel in the product development process.

Minimum Viable Model

In this lesson, you'll learn the purpose of the Minimum Viable Model and it's role in the Market Validation Funnel. You'll also gain an overview of the Business Model Canvas, it's components. and how it is used to assemble a business model.

Minimum Viable Learning

In this lesson, you'll learn about the purpose of the Minimum Viable Learning, its role in the Market Validation Funnel, and how the Lean Startup methodology plays an important roll in experimentation and market validation.

Minimum Viable Solution

In this lesson, you'll learn about the purpose of creating Minimum Viable Solutions and its role in the Market Validation Funnel. You'll also receive an overview of the importance of low-code no-code solutions, why you should use manual processes, and tips on bootstrapping a solution before launch.

Minimum Viable Product

In this lesson, you'll learn about the purpose of the Minimum Viable product and it's role in the Market Validation Funnel. Other takeaways include an overview of the software development process, the role of the engineering team, and the significance of the Minimum Viable Product when launching a venture.

Customer Validation Funnel Best Practices

In this lesson, we'll be putting everything together with our top best practices, tips and tricks for using the Market Validation Funnel when it comes to launching a successful venture.
About the Instructor:

Josh Barker, MBA

Josh Barker is the Founder and CEO of City Innovations, a venture studio that enables ventures achieve product-market fit and exponential growth. Previously, Josh served as the Associate Director of Innovation at KPMG. He also spend time in Silicon Valley as a CTO and has helped build several apps that are now generating tens of millions of dollars in annual revenue.

As an innovator at heart, Josh is consistently developing products and ideas along the way. However, after previously working on an unsuccessful startup, Josh didn’t want people to go through the same time, energy, and resources that he went through. His mission turned to helping ventures build the right thing, not just to build the thing right. That’s why Josh founded City Innovations to help people envision, validate, fund, and launch sustainable digital ventures and products by building the right thing — the first time around. In partnership with founders, intrapreneurs and investor teams, City Innovations provides the confidence to invest and build the right businesses that matter to the world.

Josh also spends his time as the podcast host for Venture unscripted. and a mentor at the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at The University of Chicago.

Let's get started