Bryce Kaiser Joins City Innovations to Lead its Venture Studio’sStartup Practice
City Innovations is excited to announce Bryce Kaiser joining the team to lead its Startup practice. This move comes after substantial growth and demand in both Startup and Corporate Innovation customers at the company. Bryce has founded, worked for, and consulted with some of the brightest startups in Michigan over the last 12 years. Among […]
A Playbook for Building Rapid Growth Ventures
I’ve had my fair share of experiences in the world of entrepreneurship. Over the course of my career, I’ve built 13 startups, but it’s important to note that I’ve also failed at 9 of them. However, every failure brought invaluable lessons, and during my time as an intrapreneur at KPMG, I gained insights into innovation […]
Beyond Digital Strategies, Solutions, and Apps: Why a Venture Studio is Your Key to Building the Right Thing
Navigating the buzzwords companies throw out like “digital strategies,” “digital solutions,” and “innovation” makes it difficult to understand what they actually do. What’s actually being delivered? Each one promises a pathway to success. Yet, in all of these possibilities, it’s easy to lose sight of what matters most — building the right thing. Let’s dive […]
How to Start Your Venture Using a Business Model Canvas
With every innovative idea comes a big question. Where do you start? Maybe you have a great idea and you’re ready to execute it, but there are a lot of things to think about before beginning a project. In this City University session, Josh and Kyle talk about the Business Model Canvas and the process […]
How Fast Do You Want Your Startup to Grow?
Do you have a great idea you want to implement? Is there an app you want to build? The road from idea to viable product isn’t always straightforward. There are often a lot of twists, turns, and alternative paths out there. In this City University session, Josh and Kyle introduce the City Innovations Growth Team […]
Do you have the right team members? The Product-People Spectrum can help.
When starting a business venture, you have to have the right people on your team to succeed. But how do you know what kind of person you need? And when do you need them? Luckily, the Product-People Spectrum can help answer these questions. In this City University session, Josh and Kyle expand on the “Product-People […]
The Secret to Startup Success? Implement a Lean Startup Methodology.
Starting a business venture can be complex — and quite honestly, scary. About 90% of startups fail, and 10% of startups fail within the first year, according to Forbes. Those statistics are bleak, but they don’t have to be. In this City University session, Josh and Kyle expand on the Lean Startup methodology — what […]
How to Build the Right Thing vs. Building the Thing Right
Launching a company goes beyond “building the thing right.” It’s about “building the right thing.” In this City University session, Kyle and Josh expand on what that means, with tips on how your venture can build the right thing first without wasting time, money, or resources. Read the Recap Are you asking the right questions? […]
The GEM Framework: How to Prioritize What Matters Most to Your Venture
As ventures grow, product strategy and prioritization can help teams to maintain focus. However, misalignment happens often and can destroy a startup. According to Gibson Biddle, former vice president of production for Netflix, one of the biggest causes is differing opinions on whether teams should focus on growth, engagement, or monetization. In this City University […]
Chickens, Eggs, and the Two-Sided Marketplace
You have heard about, and likely used, two-sided marketplaces already. Companies like Visa, eBay, Airbnb, Uber, and Tinder are all two-sided marketplace businesses that have become incredibly successful. And these kinds of marketplace businesses show no signs of diminishing. According to a Coresight Research report, the income of these kinds of platforms will double by […]