Innovation is Persistence | Ep. 016

Bill Smith is the Founder and CEO at GDI International. Bill’s interested in how we can turn waste into usable energy. We chat with Bill about gasification and the impact of this technology on the environment. Listen in as Bill walks us through the tech that promises to help clean up the world’s oceans. Bill’s […]
How Metrics Spark Innovation | Ep. 015

Adam Bratt is the CTO at Indio Technologies. At Indio they simplify the insurance application process for brokers and their clients. We chat with Adam about metrics: why they’re important, when to start using them and how they can influence your business. We learn how to assess the market we’re trying to get into, why […]
Building an Innovation Community | Ep. 014

Bill Fienup is the Co-Founder & Director of Innovation Services at mHUB, a manufacturing innovation hub and co-working space for hardware entrepreneurs. We learn about the origins of mHUB, companies that are creating hardware as a service and the importance of community in innovation and collaboration. Bill’s explains the benefits and risks of working in […]
Innovation and Wellness | Ep. 013

This week our guest is Alana Sandel, the Mindful Marketing Ambassador at Marketing for Wellness. Alana believes that brands have the power to create positive or negative lifestyle habits. She leads teams to unleash the power of marketing to help brands that prioritize customer well being above all else to create compelling stories and drive engagement with their […]
Innovation Through Consumer Insights | Ep. 012

We interview Colette Matthews, the VP of Innovation and Marketing at Alpha Guardian. We talk with Colette about how consumer’s unarticulated needs provide the most insight and opportunity for innovation. Find out how to pinpoint the correct insights to drive innovation for consumers and how foresights and environmental scanning are important to get a glimpse […]
Innovation is Solving Problems Differently | Ep. 011

We interview John Florek, the Director of Creative Innovation at ARC Worldwide about how innovation means solving problems differently. John talks about how brands need to create an ecosystem and connect with customers on their level, providing a greater sense of empathy and understanding. Learn how to create value for brands within your own team, […]
Invention is Not Innovation | Ep. 010

Our TENTH episode is here! In this Ask an Innovator we interview Stacy Scopano the CTO at Skender about innovations in the construction industry. We talk with Stacy about developing full-scale room templates that offer a product mentality more so than a project mentality and how to prototype a module to gain customer feedback. We […]
How to Innovate Using Old Ideas | Ep. 009

Episode 9: Rachel Morgan is our guest this week. She is the Product & Marketing Development Director at Accurate Perforating We discuss why we should not underestimate the value of revisiting old ideas, how the metal industry hasn’t changed much – but combining two legacy ideas brings potential for new products and innovation. We chat […]
How SpotHero is Innovating the Parking Industry | Ep. 008

Episode 8 is here: This week we interview Greg Svitak, the head of SpotHero labs about how the heck they are disrupting the parking industry. We talk about SpotHero’s roots, how they’re using IoT to develop “mobility hubs” and how creating partnerships has been an integral part of their business model. Learn why Greg believes […]
How to Create a Culture of Innovation | Ep. 006

In Episode 6: Heidi Brown the Director of Strategy and Innovation at OMI Industries gives us some insight into the odor industry and how to cultivate a culture of innovation within the workplace. Being a department of one, Heidi is creating an innovative culture from the ground up. She shares with us that empowering employees […]