At City Innovation Labs our number one core value is Faith and People First. I wanted to write a note to let all of our employees, customers, and partners know our stance on the COVID-19 outbreak. First of all, we are operating in a spirit of peace and not one of fear (John 14:27). However, we are also taking the necessary precautions and listening to local authorities on the matter.
With that said, until April 6, we are asking all of our team members, in the office or traveling to move meetings to remote meetings. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. We seek to genuinely care for you, our team members, our customers, our vendors, and all of their families.
It is a blessing that all of our work can be completed remotely just as successfully as done in-person. Please reach out and let us know if you’d like some guidance transitioning to a more remote work environment. We have many years of remote work under-our-belt and we would love to share our experiences with you.
Also know that we care deeply about you and your family, no matter who is reading this message. And if there is anything else we might do for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Remember to wash your hands, practice social distancing, and stay at home. We’ll get through this COVID-19 outbreak together.
Josh Barker
City Innovation Labs | CEO, Managing Partner
(312) 601-9985 x700 | | Digital Innovation & Transformation
Some Remote Work Resources
50 Tips for Remote Work
Read Some Books!!!
Parent Tips for Working From Home
Build a Remote Community