What Does Your Remote Workspace Look Like?
This whole working from home thing got me thinking about what everyone’s remote workspace might look like. Do they set themselves up in one spot or do they move around the house? Prior to the mandated shelter in place – I’d never thought about how or “where” they work. At CIL, we’re remote all the […]
How to Execute on Innovative Ideas in an Uncertain Time
Last week Josh hosted a webinar talking about FIVE innovative ideas in an era of uncertainty. He covered everything from a mindset shift to making sure you have the right people and processes in place. You can watch the video or find the full transcript below. FULL TRANSCRIPT – INNOVATIVE IDEAS INTRODUCTION 0:00: All right, […]
50+ Awesome Tips on How to Work Remotely
In unprecedented times, we do unprecedented things. We’re navigating through something we’ve never been through before. I’m sure some of you have questions on how to work remotely or working while your kids are at home. While we don’t have all the answers, we have some tips or tricks for you to get started. There […]
7 Reasons You Should Choose Open Innovation
As a project manager, I have found that it is hard to fully grasp what innovation truly is. Innovation is such a big word. Not having a true understanding of how I could contribute, I took a deeper dive into what can drive innovation within a company. Moreover, I stumbled upon the fascinating idea of […]
This is Why Empathy Needs to Drive Design Thinking
Having empathy is an important skill. Recently I learned the importance of employing empathy within Design Thinking. While I don’t have a background in design, I wanted to learn more about the process and how best to support our team and clients with this method. Here’s what I learned. Empathy Comes First Empathy needs to […]
How to Implement the Best Corporate Innovation Model
Corporate innovation can be tricky and hard to do successfully. You don’t want innovation theatre – you need actual results. Therefore, how does a company in a slow-moving industry get innovation right? As a consulting company, we have the unique opportunity to work with a lot of companies in a wide variety of industries. In […]
Border Crossing Boosts Innovation in the Workplace
Border crossing refers to the practice of going beyond preconceived categories of what is legitimate and what is not. We can achieve innovation in the workplace by placing greater importance on understanding our employees. What is Border Crossing? Border crossers can check their presumptions about their role and venture into unfamiliar territory. Gaining a broader […]
How to Develop an Impressive Prototyping Process
Prototyping is a vital part of the design thinking process and in this article, I’d like to illustrate what prototype fidelities we use and why — to better understand and manage user expectations. “How it works” Vs. “How it looks” For a better understanding of fidelity it makes sense to separate functionality (or UX) and […]
How to Say No at Work
Are you a yes person? I’m definitely a yes person. With a deep-rooted fear of missing out, I’m constantly agreeing to things. Whether that is taking on an extra task at work or agreeing to do 4001 things with my family, I’m always in. I noticed, moving into this new year, it was time to […]
Story Mapping for Your Internal Team
Our team uses story mapping to strategize with customers. It allows for collaboration by creating a story of what a product will look like and how it will be built. From a Project Manager’s internal perspective, story mapping is incredibly helpful. Not only does it help your Design and Development teams move quickly, but it […]